Tony Stark Suits Up

Tony Stark Suits Up

Picture of Robert Downey Jr. right from the set of Iron Man 2 He's suited up and ready to save the world! Back in action on the Iron Man 2 set, Robert Downey Jr. shoots a scene for the action film [...]

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4 Minutes of Salvation

4 Minutes of Salvation

This is some of the coolest footage of Terminator Salvation that's been released to date and may prove once and for all that McG isn't bringing a knife to a gun fight in his battle of the bots against Michael [...]

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Review: Star Trek

Review: Star Trek

Because Star Trek is so beloved by it's die hard fans, I feel a certain obligation to give full disclosure on my opinion of Star Trek in general prior to my review. When I was young, my older Brother watched the [...]

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Rodriquez Talks Sin City 2 Plot

Rodriquez Talks Sin City 2 Plot

For the third time in the last 6 months Robert Rodriquez has hinted that the upcoming Sin City 2 will begin shooting this year. This go around though he spilled to IGN the plot details. It will as everyone though [...]

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Star Trek Tickets Sell at Warp Speed

Star Trek Tickets Sell at Warp Speed

Star Trek Tickets Sell at Warp Speed Movietickets.com reports that as of 12 p.m. ET today, "Star Trek" ticket sales account for 83 percent of all ticket sales on their site and is reporting 387 sold out performances for "Star Trek." Polling [...]

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Deadpool Going Back to His Roots

Deadpool Going Back to His Roots

Fox has confirmed that not only is a Deadpool spinoff in the works, but that Ryan Reynolds and company will take the character back to his roots. According to The Hollywood Reporter, producer Lauren Shuler Donner and Marvel Studios will serves [...]

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Wolverine Sequel Greenlit

Wolverine Sequel Greenlit

Comic Book Fans Rejoice! While I'm not the biggest fan of Wolverine right now...this, along with news of the Deadpool movie just means more comics on the big screen and that's a good thing! Variety has confirmed that Hugh Jackman is already [...]

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