Original Exorcist Writer Talks Remake


In an interview with Cemetery Dance Publications, William Peter Blatty said,

“I might have it my way in the near future, inasmuch as I’ve written an Exorcist miniseries script that not only faithfully includes all the main elements of the novel, but also some rather spooky new material and scenes, as well as a totally new (and perhaps much more satisfying) ending. I’ve also updated it. Billy Friedkin has agreed to direct.“ ( Like Blatty, Friedkin was part of the original Exorcist, serving as the film’s director.)

The movie The Exorcist was based on the novel by Blatty, who then adapted his own novel to fit the screen. One of the issues Blatty faced in his original script was that it was considered to be far too lengthy, which forced Blatty to cut out parts from the novel. While it’s not for sure that the Exorcist remake will be turned into a miniseries, it would allow Blatty a much greater chunk of time to work with, which would allow him to reinstate the elements he originally cut.

It’s a pretty fuckin novel concept these days for an original writer and director to step up and remake their old classic. Maybe if this was a trend/LAW 10 years ago we wouldn’t have ended up with such crap remakes. J.M.O

Written by SciFiMafia

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