
Oh, Doctor, My Doctor! The Shakedown on DOCTOR WHO

After this weekend’s US premiere of “Doctor Who” on BBC America, I must say that I am fully on board with Matt Smith’s eleventh Doctor and Karen Gillan’s companion character, Amy Pond. If you still have not watched the season premiere, I will try to keep this piece as spoiler free as possible.

Initially, I was apprehensive about Matt Smith as the new Doctor, being the youngest actor to ever play the Doctor at age twenty-seven. How could the Doctor we’ve watched after all these years take on the visage of someone so young?

The season premiere of “Doctor Who” dissolved my initial skepticism and trepidation about Smith’s being able to pull off this iconic role. It is truly a testament to show runner, Steven Moffat’s talent and energizing momentum of story-telling. BBC America presented the “Eleventh Hour” with limited commercial interruption, achieving a thrilling episode where the Doctor must save the world in twenty minutes while still “cooking” in his new form. The writing and direction of this episode acclimates the “Doctor Who” audience to the eleventh Doctor by having the Doctor do what defines him- saving planets/ people from imminent death!

Matt Smith plays his part well as the Doctor getting a feel for his new self while acknowledging the flamboyance and bombastic nature of David Tennant’s Doctor. You can tell that Smith’s Doctor will be somewhat different especially considering his manner of dress by the end of the episode in a tweed suit and bow tie. Even though it’s a new actor portraying the Doctor, you can still feel the continuity of Doctor present. Smith carries the mantle of the Doctor well and I’m sold! Matt Smith IS the Doctor! The Doctor is still the same “mad man with a box” just with a different face.

Amy Pond, the new companion, is a strong-willed redhead with a fearless curiosity. Karen Gillan’s character presents herself as a challenge for the Doctor and as someone just as “mad” as he. She will hold her own amidst the long line of companions! Her fiery youth seems fitting for this version of the Doctor. Amy’s already brave and shameless to start. How could the Doctor change her life unlike past companions? This will be an interesting season indeed especially considering what “tomorrow” was supposed to hold for her.

The Tardis has evolved as well and it’s a delightful mix of Time Lord and retro-human tech. The look at the new Tardis focused primarily on the console and entry area, but I can’t wait to see the possible swimming pool in the library!

True to his rep with the Weeping Angels, Moffat’s the alien baddie in this episode will creep you out and make you squirm in your seat. Suspense is a tool that amplifies the thrills in this opening episode. What is said at the end of the episode lays out an intriguing plotline for this next season. Let’s just say that a smile isn’t always a good thing…

The one thing I am not sure of is the change in the title sequence and tweaking of the theme song. I don’t think I like it so much yet, but it does differentiate this season from the Russell T. Davies years.

Addressing criticism about this episode, I do not mind that the effects are not up to par with big Hollywood. After all, this is the show whose big bad for a long while had plungers for a weapon! I think it’s true to the style of the show. As for the “sexiness” of this season, I didn’t find the youth of the new cast nor the Doctor’s undressing scene to be too racy at all. “Doctor Who” is still a family-safe show and is fantastically adventurous sci-fi.

All in all, well done to the “Doctor Who” team! Cast and crew alike, well done! As a closing notion, I seriously thought that the Doctor was going to say “Sod off!” to the alien threat at the end, but he left them with a statelier notion of intimidation instead. I can’t wait to see what adventures “Doctor Who” will take this season. I’m buckled up and ready for the ride!

Lillian 'zenbitch' Standefer
Written by Lillian 'zenbitch' Standefer

is Senior Managing Editor for SciFi Mafia.com, skips along between the lines of sci-fi, fantasy, and reality, and is living proof that geek girls really DO exist!