
New TRUE BLOOD Featurettes, Trailer and Preview

It’s finally here. The new season of True Blood. But the videos do not stop. No, they flow like the blood of – well, pick your victim. Just as they did with Game of Thrones, the good folks at HBO have released a recap and Inside the Episode featurette for the episode just past, a trailer for the upcoming episode, and this week, even a Weeks Ahead trailer. Ready?

Featurette: True Blood Season 5 – Recap #49 (Season Premiere)

Featurette: True Blood Season 5: Inside the Episode #49 (Season Premiere)

TV Spot: True Blood Season 5: Episode #50 Preview

Trailer: True Blood – Season 5: Weeks Ahead

True Blood Season 5, starring Anna PaquinStephen MoyerAlexander SkarsgårdRyan KwantenRutina WesleySam TrammellNelsan EllisChris BauerCarrie PrestonTodd LoweJim ParrackDeborah Ann WollKristin Bauer van StratenJoe ManganielloLauren BowlesDenis O’HareMichael McMillianJanina GavankarScott FoleyChristopher MeloniValentina Cervi, and Lucy Griffiths, airs Sundays at 9/8c on HBO.

Erin Willard
Written by Erin Willard

Erin is the Editor In Chief and West Coast Correspondent for SciFiMafia.com