
New Teaser Clips for TRUE BLOOD are Tantalizing


The first TV spot for True Blood came out a few weeks ago, and raised all sorts of interesting thoughts about what may be in store for us when the series returns for its sixth season on June 16. Now HBO has started to release the same type of on-set/behind the scenes obscured clips that they did last year for Season 5, giving us tantalizing glimpses into what is coming. HBO is a giant tease.

Here are the first two, make of them what you will:

Teaser Clip: True Blood Season 6 – “Alcide” Waiting Sucks

Teaser Clip: True Blood Season 6 – “Jason” Waiting Sucks

And as a reminder, here’s that teaser trailer from a few weeks ago:

TV Spot: True Blood Season 6 – Tease #1

True Blood Season 6, starring Anna PaquinStephen MoyerSam TrammellRyan KwantenRutina WesleyAlexander SkarsgårdChris BauerKristin Bauer van StratenNelsan EllisTodd LoweJoe ManganielloCarrie PrestonDeborah Ann WollRutger HauerRob KazinskyArliss HowardAmelia Rose BlaireJurnee Smollett, premieres Sunday, June 16 at 9/8c on HBO.

Erin Willard
Written by Erin Willard

Erin is the Editor In Chief and West Coast Correspondent for SciFiMafia.com