
New GAME OF THRONES Behind the Scenes Featurette Highlights the Brilliant Sets

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Whether you watch Game of Thrones for the devious machinations, the snark of Tyrion, or the eye candy of Kit Harington and/or Emilia Clarke (no, you don’t have to choose just one), there’s no denying that one of the most impressive things about the series is the look of the sets. They are gorgeous.

Although Season 4 has a new production designer, Deborah Riley, she has clearly been up to the challenge of the 105 new sets, along with maintaining those already in place. Check it out in the new featurette:

Featurette: Game of Thrones – Season 4: Artisan Piece #1

Don’t forget, the 15-minute catch-up and sneak peek airs this Sunday.

Game of Thrones Ice and Fire: A Foreshadowing premieres Sunday night, February 9 at 8:45/7:45c on HBO.

Game of Thrones Season 4, starring Peter DinklageEmilia ClarkeLena HeadeyKit HaringtonJack GleesonNatalie DormerNikolaj Coster-WaldauCharles DanceSophie Turner, and Maisie Williams, premieres Sunday, April 6 at 9/8c on HBO.

Erin Willard
Written by Erin Willard

Erin is the Editor In Chief and West Coast Correspondent for SciFiMafia.com