
New DOCTOR WHO Featurette, TV Spot, and Neil Gaiman News

WOW, HOW EXCELLENT WAS THAT DOCTOR WHO SEASON 7 PREMIERE?! Full of delicious Whovian goodness and twists and turns and running and Daleks. I was spoiler-free and I hope you all were as well. If you haven’t seen the episode yet, you can watch the following featurette and not get spoiled about the best bits, so feel free to indulge yourself. It’s followed by the preview of this Saturday’s new episode, “Dinosaurs on a Spaceship”:

Featurette: Doctor Who – Inside Look: Asylum of the Daleks

TV Spot: Doctor Who – Ep 2 Dinosaurs on a Spaceship

And please allow us this opportunity for a tip o’ the fedora to BBC America for continuing to employ Mark Sheppard for the Doctor Who TV spot voiceover work. We sci-fi fans adore the man and are happy to hear his dulcet tones (which are sounding more and more like his father’s, the illustrious Morgan Sheppard).

Although opinions differ as to which of the rebooted Who episodes is the best, I was unshaken in my belief that the tip of the top was “Blink”… until I saw last season’s “The Doctor’s Wife,” written by the heart-stoppingly gifted novelist/screenwriter Neil Gaiman (whose self-narrated audiobooks, by the way, are the very best the form has to offer).

What excellent news, then, that the episode won a Hugo Award over the weekend for Best Dramatic Presentation, Short Form. But wait, there’s more! He wrote about the ceremony on his blog, and included this:

And I did mention during my awards speech that only a madman or a fool would tempt fate by doing it again, having won. And that I am now on my third draft…

I do believe the heavens have opened up to sing songs of rejoicing. At least in my head. After the awards ceremony, Gaiman told io9 that the episode is expected to air during the second half of Season 7 (the current season), in 2013, but reminded us that “The Doctor’s Wife” had been expected to air during Season 5 but got bumped to Season 6 for “budgetary reasons,” so it’s always possible the same thing will happen again. LET’S HOPE NOT.

Doctor Who Season 7, starring Matt Smith, Karen Gillan, Arthur Darvill, and Jenna-Louise Coleman, airs Saturdays at 9/8c on BBC America.

Erin Willard
Written by Erin Willard

Erin is the Editor In Chief and West Coast Correspondent for SciFiMafia.com