
New ALCATRAZ TV Spots Give Us Hope for January

This is very encouraging! Although we told you earlier this week that portions of the already-shot first seven episodes of Alcatraz are being rewritten and reshot, Fox has released two new TV spots that once again say that Alcatraz is coming in January. That’s our plan for it as well, if anyone is asking.

Here they are:



Okay, we’re ready, and we hope Fox and Alcatraz will be ready as well. We’re taking this TV spot as a promise by them, so they had better stick to it or we may need to contact a former co-worker of some of those Lost alums and send Smokey out to exact our revenge.

Alcatraz is expected to premiere in January 2012 on Fox.

Erin Willard
Written by Erin Willard

Erin is the Editor In Chief and West Coast Correspondent for SciFiMafia.com