
MUST SEE: New DOCTOR WHO Season 7 Trailer and Poster

Woo WHOOOOO! Sorry, it’s always too hard to resist. But yay, a new trailer for the new season! It’s been months since the first one, that mostly featured The Gang in their cowboy phase. So what’s in store for us in the newest installment? Wait until you see…

Trailer – Doctor Who Season 7, #2

WOW! Just – just wow! But wait, there’s more! After that, this brand new official poster will look familiar:

Here’s a note from the BBC One Doctor Who blog from whence the image came. Bear in mind that what they call a “series,” we call a “season,” and do yourself a favor and read it with an enthusiastic British accent so the language won’t seem so, err, stilted:

Here’s the stunning new image that’s sure to increase levels of anticipation for the new series of Doctor Who!

The image shows Amy Pond being carried by an injured, grim-faced Doctor. They’re both surrounded by Daleks that have been encountered during different eras of the Time Lord’s travels.

A Dalek on the right of the picture does not have any of the vertical grille-like slats that have become a familiar feature, indicating it’s a version the Doctor faced when he first met his oldest enemies on Skaro. And on the left there’s a Special Weapons Dalek, last seen in the 1988 story, Remembrance of the Daleks.

It’s a fiery and exciting sign of what’s to come in the new series!

WE’RE READY! Now if we could only get a confirmation of that premiere date; the date we provide below is only an educated guess. Until then, let’s watch that trailer again!

Doctor Who Season 7, starring Matt Smith, Karen Gillan, Arthur Darvill, and Jenna-Louise Coleman, MIGHT BE premiering on Saturday, August 25 at 9/8c on BBC America.

Erin Willard
Written by Erin Willard

Erin is the Editor In Chief and West Coast Correspondent for SciFiMafia.com