
More of the New TARDIS Interior Revealed Plus Other Changes in Store on the DOCTOR WHO CHRISTMAS SPECIAL

Doctor Who Xmas 12 Clara Doctor snowglobe close wide

Last week we showed you a tiny bit of the cool blue-ish revamped interior of the TARDIS that will be unveiled during the Doctor Who Christmas Special next Tuesday. Now we have much more to gaze upon longingly and adoringly, as apparently Matt Smith is encouraging us to do, in the picture below. Behold:

Doctor Who Xmas 12 TARDIS new interior

It looks a little less busy, a little more streamlined, but let’s not forget this earlier glimpse that’s aimed just a little higher in the control room, with the really gorgeous Gallifreyan designs:

Doctor Who Xmas 12 TARDIS

The spiffed-up interior and of course the new companion aren’t the only things premiering during the Christmas episode. Here’s an update from the BBC One Doctor Who Blog (broadcast times are of course UK):

Something cold, something new…
Not only will we be treated to a ‘new’ TARDIS during The Snowmen (Christmas Day at 5.15pm), but the episode will premiere a revamped theme tune and opening title sequence.

We can’t give too much away about the new-look titles except to say they are wonderfully dramatic and striking, with a couple of unexpected touches. In short, they’re a perfect way to welcome back the Doctor!

And fans of the famous Doctor Who theme tune needn’t worry… This new arrangement remains true to the original, written by Ron Grainer back in 1963, but on Christmas Day you’ll hear it as it’s never sounded before. This latest version is more thrilling and powerful but retains that slightly scary quality that remains stirring no matter how many times you catch it.

To enjoy the revamped theme tune and opening title sequence, make sure you’re watching The Snowmen on BBC One, Christmas Day at 5.15pm.

Or if you’re in the U.S.:

The Doctor Who Christmas Special “The Snowmen,” starring Matt Smith, Jenna-Louise Coleman, and Richard E Grant, airs Tuesday, December 25 at 9/8c on BBC America.

Erin Willard
Written by Erin Willard

Erin is the Editor In Chief and West Coast Correspondent for SciFiMafia.com