
Michael Bay Boasts About ILM’s Record Breaking Workload


The LA Times interviewed Michael Bay, he talks about people who hate on him (and plenty more about Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen). Bay says: “Look, a lot of people think it’s fun to hate on Michael Bay. There’s a lot of poison on the Internet. People always try to knock someone who’s had a ton of success in movies. Whatever.”

As we all know, Bay is finishing Transformers 2, which is coming down to the wire in terms of being finished on time for its June 24th opening. “This one,” Bay says, “is barely going to make it to theaters. You have no idea how complicated my life is.” In regards to how much work is involved, part of the reason why it’s taking so long is that ILM must render the robots in IMAX resolution. Apparently the first Transformers movie took up an “astounding 15 terabytes”; the new one required 140 terabytes. “That breaks every record,” he boasts. With IMAX and at least double the number of robots, we know why.

[Source] LA Times

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