
Meet (Or Get Caught Up With) WAREHOUSE 13 With This Excellent Featurette Plus TV Spot

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If you’ve been wondering about, but have never actually watched, Syfy‘s highest rated scripted series, Warehouse 13, here’s an absolutely excellent featurette as an introduction. If you already know and love the series, you are going to love this featurette. Done in the internet-classic dry and droll recap style, watch this and you’ll be ready for the show’s return on April 29:

Featurette: Warehouse 13 – Endless Wonder

Such a great featurette, such a great show. And just so you’re fully prepared, here’s a TV spot for the premiere:

TV Spot: Warehouse 13 – Returning April 29:

Totally, totally ready.

Warehouse 13, starring Joanne Kelly, Eddie McClintock, Saul Rubinek, Allison Scagliotti, Aaron Ashmore, and CCH Pounder, returns on Monday, April 29 at its new time of 10/9c on Syfy.

Erin Willard
Written by Erin Willard

Erin is the Editor In Chief and West Coast Correspondent for SciFiMafia.com