
Marvel Introduces HITMAN MONKEY And I’ll Be Damned, I Was Right


I’m really hoping that Marvel is just monkeying around (pun intended). We showed you the full image below on Sunday and told you that Marvel would be revealing “One of the Most Exciting New Characters of the Century” and apparently that character is Hitman Monkey!

[More After The Image]


After seeing this image, I joked that he looked like a monkey version of Agent 47 from Hitman [Read that story HERE]… I stated that

based on this revelation and Marvel’s propensity for all things “gamma”… let me guess. Agent 47 goes to a lab and gets crap thrown at his bald head by a radioactive monkey and it turns him into Super-Leaping Monkey Hitman… nah, that name is way too long. I’m sure Quesada will figure out something better!

I’ll let Marvel’s announcement speak for itself

Fans will get a chance to properly meet Marvel’s newest star, Hitman Monkey, in a special two-part Marvel Digital Comics Exclusive beginning this December, courtesy of writer Daniel Way and artist Dalibor Talijic, all wrapped in a gorgeous Frank Cho cover. This will mark the historic first time a character has debuted through Marvel Digital Comics Unlimited.

“Hitman Monkey is a soulful, tortured, jazz-loving 30-pound engine of destruction,” explains Executive Editor Axel Alonso. “Think Chow Yun Fat from ‘The Killer’ as a monkey. To be specific, [a Japanese Macaque] monkey.”

The character’s origin will incorporate a number of different elements, ranging from the comedic to the dramatic.

“Let’s be clear: HITMAN MONKEY is the harrowing tale of a Macaque monkey from the mountains of Japan who, though fate and circumstance, is transformed into the world’s deadliest assassin,” Alonso continues. “I fail to see what could be funny about-oh. I see your point.”

When asked how he feels Hitman Monkey’s appearance in a Marvel Digital Comics Exclusive will help build anticipation for the character’s appearance in February’s DEADPOOL #20, Alonso sees at least one simple reason:

“The fact that our protagonist is a monkey won’t hurt.”

Going back to the character’s genesis, Alonso re-enacts a conversation he had with writer/creator Daniel Way on Hitman Monkey’s design.

“Daniel Way [said] ‘I’m thinking Spider-Monkey,’ [and I responded] ‘In a sharply-tailored black suit?’ [He said] ‘Yep.’ Frank Cho added the gloves and colorist Jason Keith added the red tie. It’s a wrap.”

Once Hitman Monkey does make his way into the pages of the Merc With a Mouth’s own book, Alonso promises that “Deadpool and Spider-Man will never know what hit ’em. Hitman Monkey is a skilled martial artist and crack shot, plus he’s got mad hops. He is really good at what he does-one might even venture to say, he’s the best there is at what he-Wait.”

Looking towards the future, Alonso also expects big things from Hitman Monkey in the coming year.

“Headline from San Diego Comic-Con 2010: Hitman Monkey sweeps Eisner Awards!!!”

The company promises an explanation tomorrow, but fan rumors already have the gun-toting monkey as either a new character from Marvel’s Marvel Apes franchise, an oddly-primate version of a potential comic adaptation of the Hitman videogame or, most surreally and excitingly for us, a new character from Jeph Loeb’s upcoming New Ultimates series rebooting Marvel’s Avengers franchise one more time. Until then, just appreciate the image for what it is: A monkey, in a suit, with two guns.

It’s not anywhere near April 1st, but I’m hoping this is a prank or Marvel will have just ‘Jumped the Shark’ and ‘Nuked the Fridge’ at the same time.

Jason Moore
Written by Jason Moore

is a member of the Academy of Science Fiction, Fantasy and Horror Films and the Founder/Editor In Chief of SciFi Mafia®