
Lots of GAME OF THRONES Featurettes Help Us Celebra-Mourn

Game of Thrones s3 title logo wideIf you STILL haven’t seen last week’s epic episode of Game of Thrones, well, you really shouldn’t be on the internet, should you? Kudos if you haven’t yet been spoiled. Now go watch it. Meaning  NOW, and don’t come back to this post until you do. Because this week we have a veritable giant pie full of featurettes about the episode.

Okay, now that everyone’s caught up, how do you feel about what happened? You’ll see in the Inside the Episode and Anatomy of a Scene featurettes below that the intent was for us to feel at least momentarily sorry for Joffrey and Cersei.

That didn’t happen for me. Joffrey was not someone I loved to hate. I just hated him, period. I could feel the sneer of distaste creeping around my face every time he was on the screen. It wasn’t a good look for me. Good riddance.

Featurette: Game of Thrones – Season 4: Inside the Episode #2

Featurette: Game of Thrones – Season 4: Episode 2 Anatomy of a Scene

For those who did like Joffrey, or those who just want a laugh, here’s a lovely little farewell:

Featurette: Game of Thrones – Season 4: The Best of Joffrey

Next we have an analysis of Tyrion’s dangerous position, via the author himself:

Featurette: Game of Thrones – Season 4: Episode 2 From Joy to Ashes

Moving on, here’s an analysis of Jaime and his new trainer:

Featurette: Game of Thrones – Season 4: Episode 2 Not Pretty

And finally, a look at the upcoming episode, including the welcome return of the Mother of Dragons:

TV Spot: Game of Thrones – Season 4: Episode #3 Preview

Game of Thrones Season 4, starring Peter DinklageEmilia ClarkeLena HeadeyKit HaringtonJack GleesonNatalie DormerGwendoline ChristieNikolaj Coster-WaldauCharles DanceRichard McCannSophie Turner, and Maisie Williams, airs Sundays at 9/8c on HBO.

Erin Willard
Written by Erin Willard

Erin is the Editor In Chief and West Coast Correspondent for SciFiMafia.com