
Lost Girl Debuts On its New Night and Finds a Mighty Guest Star

Tonight is the night that Syfy‘s Lost Girl finds its new happy place, Fridays at 10/9c. It’s done well enough in the Mondays at 10/9 time slot for Syfy to have picked up the third season, currently in production, and since sci-fi fans are the most loyal in the ‘verse, the show is certain to continue its popularity unabated now that it’s on Sci-Fri.

Tentative air dates indicate that Lost Girl Season 2 will be airing on Fridays through September 14, 2012, with Season 3 returning to Mondays, airing January 14 to April 8, 2013.

The other Lost Girl news is a wonderful bit of guest star casting. Linda Hamilton, beloved Sarah Connor of The Terminator and awe-inspiring Sarah Connor of Terminator 2: Judgment Day, as well as star of the original Beauty and the Beast and Mom of Chuck, will be arriving on our screens in Season 3′s 10th episode. According to TVLine, she’ll be playing Acacia, “a tough, sexy and ruthless assassin who has enjoyed a storied and deadly career.” How ideal! And how lucky for us. Can. Not. Wait.

Lost Girl, starring Anna Silk, Ksenia SoloKris Holden-Ried, and Rick Howland, airs Fridays at 10/9c on Syfy.

Erin Willard
Written by Erin Willard

Erin is the Editor In Chief and West Coast Correspondent for SciFiMafia.com