
Josh Brolin Had To Find A Way To Tongue Megan Fox In JONAH HEX And How Scary John Malkovich Is As A Villain


Josh Brolin, star of the upcoming adaptation of the DC Comic scarred, ex-confederate bounty hunter, “Jonah Hex”, stopped by “The Tonight Show” to chat with Conan O’Brien.  Brolin gave some interesting insights to working with John Malkovich as Quentin Turnbull, the villain of the film, in the sense of how professional and frightening Malkovich can be and also about what is was like to make out with Megan Fox.

Watch the Brolin interview from this clip of “The Tonight Show”:

Jason Moore
Written by Jason Moore

is a member of the Academy of Science Fiction, Fantasy and Horror Films and the Founder/Editor In Chief of SciFi Mafia®