
Jeepers Creepers Threepers, Pass The Popcorn!


The Creepers coming back and Boy Howdy am I excited! I loved the first 2 movies (not just because I work with all the stunt guys from the films) and can’t wait to see the 3rd installment. Rumors have been flying around for a while about the films setting and the possibilities of an “origins” sort of story line. Well, we now have a bit more concrete news to go by, so if your into getting your jeepers creeped, read below for an interview with the head Jeep driver himself.

Writer/director Victor Salva had this to say about the (sad) rumors of it releasing directly to DVD.

“It’s tentatively titled ‘Jeepers Creeper 3: The Creeper Walks Among Us’, It includes a prologue in the Old West and might bring back several characters from the first two films 20 years later. The script and story will be big on scares and give us plenty more of the traditional Creeper creepiness, with a few more bits thrown in about what it might be and where it came from.”

“MGM initially suggested that we go direct to video with the third in the trilogy, but we hope that the exciting entity that the new MGM is becoming realizes that both ‘Jeepers Creepers’ films set [then-] records for their Labor Day weekend box-office openings, before each went on to make over $100 million apiece on DVD,”

“I believe a theatrical release is critical to this kind of success on video. I don’t think you can have one without the other, and it would be a shame not to be able to see what I have planned for ‘Jeepers 3’ up on the big screen.”

So what do you think? Pretty darn cool right?

[Source] Fangoria

Written by SciFiMafia

SciFi Mafia® Staff