
James Gunn and a Racoon on the Set of GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY


Having director James Gunn on the set of Guardians of the Galaxy with a raccoon might lead you to think that maybe he’s cast Rocket Racoon, but this is a picture of James Gunn on set with a real raccoon.  Maybe the raccoon is being studied for CGI? Check out the picture. What do you think?


Guardians of the Galaxy directed by James Gunn and starring Benicio Del Toro, Karen Gillan, Glenn Close, Chris Pratt, Dave Bautista, Michael Rooker, Zoe Saldana and Lee Pace is slated to hit theaters August 1st, 2014.

Jess Orso
Written by Jess Orso

Jess is the Managing Editor and Southern Correspondent for SciFiMafia.com