
Iron Man’s Weakness For Donuts – New Set Pic From IRON MAN 2

If you don’t stop eating those donuts, Mr. Stark, I don’t know how you’re going to fit into that suit of yours.  Take a look at this new image released from “Iron Man 2”.  Robert Downey Jr.’s Iron Man is caught going for some sugary goodness at Randy’s Donuts. (Click image to embiggen.)

iron-man-2 donut anyone

Back in May, director Jon Favreau posted the below pic on his yfrog account that has Robert Downey Jr. lounging at the center of the donut sign on top of Randy’s Donuts.

iron man 2 randysdonuts

Supposedly, the interior scene is where Tony Stark/ Iron Man will be having a chat with Samuel L. Jackson’s character, Nick Fury.

Iron Man 2” is due out May 7, 2010.

[Source] EW, Empire

Written by SciFiMafia

SciFi Mafia® Staff