
In Our Sights: Will Netflix Breathe New Life into Jericho?

Jericho fans, have you revived from fainting after seeing that headline? Well, take a lot of deep breaths, slowly, because “slowly” is how it will happen, if there’s even a chance. Keep Terra Nova fans in mind when you feel like hyperventilating; they, too, were told there was a possibility that their beloved show might be revived by by Netflix, and Netflix eventually had to dash their hopes.

TV Guide broke the news about Jericho, confirming that Netflix has approached CBS about reviving the cult favorite, and the network, through its CBS TV Studios production arm, is considering it. The drama, which followed the residents of a small Kansas town in the wake of a nuclear attack, starred Skeet Ulrich, Lennie James, and Ashley Scott, and last aired a new episode in 2008.

Don’t let the length of time that’s elapsed since the last season aired be too discouraging; Netflix has, of course, resusitated Arrested Development for a new season, expected to air in 2013, and that show aired its last season in 2007.

What do you think? Is it too late? Do you want to see more, or is capturing the earlier magic like trying to catch lightning in a bottle?

We’ll keep you posted…

Erin Willard
Written by Erin Willard

Erin is the Editor In Chief and West Coast Correspondent for SciFiMafia.com