
How Much Is Ryan Reynolds Involved In The ‘Deadpool’ Movie?

112111-99672-deadpool_superFOX is moving forward with a Deadpool spin-off film and Hitfix had a chat with Ryan Reynolds about it, here’s what he had to say;

“Well, I’m intimately involved with it. We’re just trying to break a story right now and figure out who the villain is going to be and all that stuff. But, it’s going to be just like the comic books. I’m gonna have a messed up face and you may see some flashbacks of Wade earlier in his life, but primarily what you see is what you get in the comics and that’s the goal. And there is no better place to draw material from then the comics which are incredible.”

Jason Moore
Written by Jason Moore

is a member of the Academy of Science Fiction, Fantasy and Horror Films and the Founder/Editor In Chief of SciFi Mafia®