
Haven: Emily Rose Reveals Her Geek Cred, Her Thoughts on the Haven Cliffhanger, and What’s In Store

As we have been telling you, reminding you, and near-commanding you to note on your viewing calendar, Haven is returning to Syfy this Friday, July 15 at 10/9 with the premiere of its second season. Last week the press were able to speak with Eric Balfour and this week it was Emily Rose who was calling in and kindly answered our questions about the show and her take on it.

The first question came from Niagara Frontier Publications, who asked her how she reacted when she first saw the script of last season’s finale:

Emily Rose: I remember I did what I did with the (script) when I first read it, I threw it across the room and I was like, “Oh, no. Oh, no. What does this mean?” And I +called my writer up right away and we were talking and I just was really confused because I thought I was this FBI Agent and I went through a lot of the emotions that Audrey went through when she discovered that she may not be who she thought she is the whole entire season. So, I had a pretty strong reaction, but then I was just really thankful that they did not tell me until later because it kind of allowed me to really have that experience.

As for the the season premiere:

Emily Rose: I just know that we’re going to come right back into where we left off, in terms of the questions of, you know, coming right back into the scene of where we find those – all those (three) on the beach. And it’s going to kind of explore the first few episodes … Audrey’s personally exploring what this means if she’s not who she thought she was. And then, we’re also going to go head long into looking into each of the troubles of the week and more into the Town of Haven and where this all comes from.

She revealed that her sci-fi cred comes naturally, as her parents “are huge Sci-Fi people and I always say that like from a young age they kind of sat me down and was like, “Let us introduce to you what is Star Wars,” And I come back from Disneyland not with like little princesses and things, I came back with Ewoks and going on the Star Wars ride like multiple times, and to me that was what was exciting.”

When asked by MediaBlvd Magazine if she patterned her character after Dana Scully or Clarice from Silence of the Lambs as a strong female FBI agent, she admitted to watching Silence of the Lambs for the toughness and tenacity, but “didn’t want to do that identical thing.”

I also didn’t want to watch Fringe anymore and I didn’t want to go back and watch X-Files. Only because I knew that I was entering this family of that genre, but I wanted Audrey to be very distinct and different. And I think she is in the way that she’s very quirky and sort of odd and very bantery and kind of comedic, you know, less kind of stoic and less serious. She knows that what she’s dealing with is serious, and so people that deal with tragedy on a regular basis it can wear on them either in a very warring way or they can combat it with like comedy or sarcasm or things like that, so I tried to go that route. But, I think this year when you kind of deal with her identity getting yanked out from under her, I think it starts more on the warring side, but not initially, no.

She did confirm that, “in terms of what the last scene of the entire series will be … they’re always working towards that point.” But when SciFi Mafia asked her if she knew the answer to how the Troubles started, “we don’t know those answers.”

Those are definitely things that they keep us in the dark in, I think just for several reasons, probably – mainly one so that kind of we play the authenticity of really discovering those when they come along. But I think we will probably find out, I would – it is my hope that we would find out what triggers them and when it all started. I think we probably would go back to that as well, but I don’t think that will be for a while. I think that’ll kind of get staved off.

MediaBlvd also asked her if she saw any similarities between Haven and Lost:

Oh, I’m the biggest Lost fan there is…

I think there’s definitely a deep mythology. I think the thing that resonates with me, in terms of the troubles in this town is just the fact that it could be generational and that it goes way back. And to me that – whatever it is, the town just doesn’t want to deal with it and it’s about dealing with what’s there in their history and the fabric of Haven.

When asked about other projects, she confirmed that she is currently finishing up the third installment of the Uncharted series with Sony PlayStation. Airlock Alpha asked her the difference between motion capture acting and voice acting:

Emily Rose: Well, Uncharted is actually one of the video games that has been on the forefront of the new movement in video game making of motion capture and cinematic, so I actually do motion capture for the  game. I act with my whole body as the actor and the person, as well do in the scene, and we do that on a sound stage and cameras record us. And so, the only difference is I’m not in costume. I’m in a motion capture suit and the computer captures all of our movements, and then we come in the next day later and lay in any vocals that they weren’t able to pick up on the sound stage. But it’s neat to be in a new medium of video game making where I’m not just walking in the booth and doing the voice… although, I still do concentrate a lot on my voice for the character of Uncharted, but it’s fun just to be able to do all of that.

In fact, when Sci-Fi Vision asked her what her dream role would be, she revealed that Uncharted is going to be made into a movie and she would love “to be able to play my role that I play in the video game. It’s exactly – it’s my dream to play Elena Fisher in the film.”

As for the rest of the second season of Haven:

…it’s a bit more action packed and I think we go darker this year than we did last year, which I think a lot of people will enjoy. So, I think those are all the new things kind of coming into this next season is – I mean, the stuff between Audrey and you know who we refer to as (Fraudrey) or not (Fraudrey), is kind of – is interesting and tricky, and that’s kind of – I – you know where we are so far. Now, I can’t speak to the last half of the season because we haven’t shot it yet, but I have faith that they know what they’re doing.

So far, so good. Really. SO GOOD. You can read my review here.

Say it with me now: Haven season 2 premiere airs Friday, July 15 at 10/9c on Syfy.

Erin Willard
Written by Erin Willard

Erin is the Editor In Chief and West Coast Correspondent for SciFiMafia.com