
Grant Morrison Locks and Loads ROGUE TROOPER Adaptation for Full Clip

Prolific comic book and screenwriter Grant Morrison (All-Star Superman), recently completed the second draft of the script for his and director Barry Sonnenfeld‘s adaptation of the yet-to-be published graphic novel, Dominion: Dinosaurs Vs. Aliens.

While recently speaking with the DailyRecord, Morrison revealed that he also has plans to adapt the British sci-fi comic Rogue Trooper, created by Gerry Finley-Day and Dave Gibbons. Morrison is adapting the 2000AD comic series for Sam Worthington‘s company, Full Clip Productions.

Rogue Trooper centers on a blue-skinned, genetically-enhanced soldier in search of a traitorous General. Alongside him throughout his journey are his three comrades in the form of sentient biochips: Gunnar, on his rifle, Bagman on his backpack, and Helm on his helmet.

No production or release dates have been announced for Rogue Trooper or Dominion: Dinosaurs Vs. Aliens.

Jason Moore
Written by Jason Moore

is a member of the Academy of Science Fiction, Fantasy and Horror Films and the Founder/Editor In Chief of SciFi Mafia®