
Get Your First Look at DOCTOR WHO’s Christmas Special Prequel

That’s right, it isn’t the first photo released from the actual Doctor Who Christmas Special for 2012, it’s the first photo released from the prequel to the Christmas Special. As those of us on Twitter with friends in the UK know, every year around this time there is a Children in Need special there, that features great entertainment specially made for the event. This year’s special will take place this Friday, and once again will include a teaser clip for the Christmas special.

Here’s the scoop from BBC America:

As is now traditional, the clip will comprise a little stand-alone story, unique to Children in Need, and act as a prequel for the Christmas Special proper. There will also be a chance to see the Doctor (Matt Smith) and his new companion (played by Jenna-Louise Coleman) in the same room for the first time.

YES we will post the prequel as soon as it’s available, but we didn’t want you to miss out on the pic of the Doctor looking quite natty and – is that pensive, or grumpy? We’ll find out soon…

Okay, we’d like the rest now, please. Right. Now.

The Doctor Who Christmas Special, starring Matt Smith and Jenna-Louise Coleman, will air December 25, 2012 on BBC America.

Erin Willard
Written by Erin Willard

Erin is the Editor In Chief and West Coast Correspondent for SciFiMafia.com