
Get a Taste of Tonight’s Season Premiere of LOST GIRL With This Clip


If you’ve never seen Lost Girl before, you don’t actually have time to catch up with the first two seasons before tonight’s Season 3 premiere. Do go back when you get time, because the first two seasons are fun and fantastical and sexy and badass, and they’re well worth a weekend on the couch. Fortunately, Syfy has provided this nifty introduction to the series and a clip which will give you enough info to head straight into tonight’s episode:

Lost Girl stars supernatural seductress Bo (played by Anna SilkThe Ghost Whisperer), a Succubus (a powerful female entity in folklore) who feeds off sexual energy. Picking up right after her victory in the final battle that concluded season two, Bo realizes she has created new alliances but also has reinvigorated old enemies – like The Morrigan (Emmanuelle VaugierTwo and a Half Men), whom she crossed in an attempt to bring peace to the Faedom. This season Bo, who until now has famously refused to pick a side, will be forced to make a deadly decision – or risk a fate worse then death.

In the Lost Girl season three premiere, “Caged Fae,”  Bo risks her freedom to do a favor for Lauren, only to discover she’ll have to do it au naturel – without her succubs powers. Meanwhile, the new Ash is revealed and Bo questions whether or not she has recovered from last season’s battle.

Lost Girl co-stars Kris Holden-Ried as Dyson, a shape-shifting Fae, homicide detective and Bo’s love interest; Ksenia Solo as Kenzi, Bo’s human confidante and street-smart survivor; Zoie Palmer as Lauren, a human doctor who competes for Bo’s heart; Rick Howland as Trick, the mysterious owner and bartender at The Dal Riata tavern, with a secretive past that is yet to be unlocked; and K.C. Collins as Hale, a handsome male “Siren” who is the eternal bachelor, ultimate wingman and Dyson’s partner on the force.

Clip: Lost Girl – Season 3 Episode 1 Opening Segment

Wow, what’s up with Bo? Is this the new Bo, has she gone totally Dark Fae? Watch tonight and see what’s coming this season…

Lost Girl, starring Anna Silk, Ksenia Solo, Kris Holden-Ried, Zoie Palmer, Rick Howland, and K.C. Collins, premieres its third season tonight at 10/9c on Syfy.

Erin Willard
Written by Erin Willard

Erin is the Editor In Chief and West Coast Correspondent for SciFiMafia.com