
Geektastic Casting Coup for Bad Robot’s Fox Pilot HUMAN

Karl Urban wide

I’m always a bit hesitant to post much about pilots, since I hate that horrible feeling in the pit of my stomach when I’ve become all enthusiastic and invested in a show that never gets picked up *cough* Locke & Key *cough*. Nevertheless, when there’s something as cool as a pilot produced by Bad Robot and Fringe co-showrunner J.H. Wyman, it just can’t go by unnoticed.

And then this happened. KARL URBAN. POTENTIALLY ON OUR TV SETS ON A WEEKLY BASIS. Yes, I DO mean Bones from the Star Trek reboot, Judge Dredd in Dredd, Eomer from Rohan in Lord of the Rings 2 and 3, the younger agent trying to capture the older ones in RED. Oh great, now I REALLY want this pilot to get picked up. We told you about it way back in September, and happily, it has a put pilot commitment, meaning that the network will pay a substantial penalty if it does not air the pilot once it is complete.

As we also told you back in September, the show will be an action buddy-cop show set in the near-future when all Los Angeles Police Department officers are partnered with highly functional androids. It was originally called Inhuman but is now going by the name of Human.

According to TVLine, who broke the news about Urban, he will be playing John Kennex, a respected police officer who has shut down emotionally after a tragic mission left him critically injured. His partner, the android, will be played by Michael Ealy (FlashForward, Common Law). Joining them on the show are Minka Kelly (Friday Night Lights), Lili Taylor (The Conjuring, Hemlock Grove), Michael Irby (Dante in Haunted) and Mackenzie Crook (the pirate with the glass eye in Pirates of the Caribbean).

Great cast, great writer, great production company…. come on, Fox. You made them finish off Fringe. I’m thinking you kind of owe us. Please green light this series.

We’ll keep you posted on Fox‘s presumed pickup of Human.

Erin Willard
Written by Erin Willard

Erin is the Editor In Chief and West Coast Correspondent for SciFiMafia.com