
Game of Thrones Star to Voice Lead Character in Zenoscope’s Animated Grimm Fairy Tales

Lena Headey, who currently plays Game of Thrones‘ Cersei Lannister, mother to the very horrible young king Joffrey Baratheon, will be lending her dulcet tones to the character of Sela in Zenoscope Entertainment‘s online animated series based on its popular comic Grimm Fairy Tales. (Please note, if you aren’t familiar with the comic series, that these are nothing like charming childrens’ stories; it’s more adult fare, as evidenced by the Snow White cover below.)

This series isn’t taking the usual path, however. It’s going for funding By The People, meaning through Kickstarter. Here are some of the details, from the site:

We, at Zenescope Entertainment, find it hard to believe that Grimm Fairy Tales is approaching its 75th issue. When we started publishing the comic book back in 2005, we just hoped it would make it to issue six so we could collect it into a graphic novel. But at some point it took on a life of its own; we began to dream of all the possibilities and mediums it could be translated into. Wouldn’t it make a great live action TV series? What about an animated anthology? We had some interest from different studios and producers but for one reason or another a deal never materialized. We never gave up hope of Grimm Fairy Tales becoming more than a comic book but it began to look like a real long shot.

Then we met a very talented director named Jon Schnepp. Jon has directed a ton of great stuff like The Venture Bros. and Metalocalypse and he loved our series.  He got the material and had an incredible take on turning it into an animated series right from the start. We began to think that maybe we didn’t need the Hollywood system to turn Grimm Fairy Tales into one seriously cool animated series. Jon has done a ton of work with Titmouse and he knew they would get behind a project like this.  Grimm Fairy Tales has a tremendous, loyal fan base and we felt that this was something they would want to see.  All we needed was the money to produce it. That’s why we’re here at Kickstarter. Through this incredible site and with the help of our amazing fans we can make this series a reality. And best of all we can make it the way it should be made…bad ass and sexy.

The goal of $175,000 is for the pilot. Anything beyond that goes to adding more episodes to the series. The more we get, the more you get.

And here’s Lena:

Lena Headey Joins the Grimm Fairy Tales Animated Series
For all of the details, go to the Grimm Fairy Tales Animated Series Kickstarter Page.

Erin Willard
Written by Erin Willard

Erin is the Editor In Chief and West Coast Correspondent for SciFiMafia.com