
G.I. Joe Sequel to Start Filming By The End of 2009

Lee Byeong-HeonByung-Hun Lee who played Storm Shadow in G.I. Joe: The Rise of Cobra, is said to start filming the sequel to this summers’ blockbuster hit as early as the end of this year and through 2010 says a Korean news source as reported by his management company BH Entertainment.

Nate.news.com had the news of his management’s announcement in Korean, translated here.

Top star Lee Byeong-Heon is in the new Hollywood film, “G.I. Joe 2”!

He will be starting the filming by the end of this year and has been contracted for the 3rd sequel, also!

Now, he is busy with the drama filming, “IRIS” and its promotions overseas. Most of his time starting next year will be send in Hollywood!

Good luck Lee Byeong-Heon!

The source also says Byung-Hun Lee’s management team is coordinating with the Hollywood production to plan out Byeong-Heon’s filming schedule for the coming year. It also reports his is signed on for a third movie as well.

Jason Moore
Written by Jason Moore

is a member of the Academy of Science Fiction, Fantasy and Horror Films and the Founder/Editor In Chief of SciFi Mafia®