
Fox Announces GOTHAM and SLEEPY HOLLOW Premiere Dates

Gotham Sleepy Hollow wide

We told you back in May that Fox had set Batman/Commissioner Gordon origin series Gotham for Mondays, along with sophomore (and personal favorite new series of 2013) Sleepy Hollow. Today Fox filled in the blanks by announcing the premiere date for both:

Gotham premiere date

Sleepy Hollow s2 premiere

On Monday, Sept. 22, origin story GOTHAM (8:00-9:00 PM ET/PT) kicks off. The series follows one cop, destined for greatness, as he navigates a dangerously corrupt city teetering between good and evil, and chronicles the rise of the great DC Comics Super-Villains and vigilantes. The entirely new, untold chapter comes from executive producer/writer Bruno Heller (“The Mentalist,” “Rome”) and stars Ben McKenzie (“Southland,” “The O.C.”), Donal Logue (“Vikings,” “Sons of Anarchy”) and Jada Pinkett Smith (“Hawthorne,” “Collateral”). The second season premiere of the adventure fantasy SLEEPY HOLLOW (9:00-10:00 PM ET/PT) follows, picking up immediately after the thrilling multiple cliffhangers that left Ichabod Crane (Tom Mison) buried alive and Lt. Abbie Mills (Nicole Beharie) trapped in purgatory.

GAH! Over two months away! I’m fairly certain I can only just barely wait. But while we wait, here’s the Gotham extended trailer again, mostly because I just love to watch it over and over:

Trailer: Gotham – Official Extended

Gotham, starring Ben McKenzieDonal LogueRobin Lord TaylorZabryna GuevaraSean PertweeJada Pinkett SmithDavid MazouzCamren Bicondova and Erin Richards, premieres Monday, September 22 at 8/7c on Fox.

Sleepy Hollow, starring Tom MisonNicole BeharieOrlando Jones, and John Noble, airs its Season 2 premiere on Monday, September 22 at 9/8c on Fox.

Erin Willard
Written by Erin Willard

Erin is the Editor In Chief and West Coast Correspondent for SciFiMafia.com