
Finally US Air Date Announced for DOCTOR WHO


If you’re like me you woke up to a nice treat this morning when the BBC announced that Doctor Who would be returning to us Easter Weekend on March 30th, BUT, BUT, BUT, what about the America premiere? FINALLY! BBC America has announced that Doctor Who will air on March 30th as well!

If you’re looking for a time, you’ll be disappointed, as I was, because it wasn’t mentioned by BBC America, but it will most likely air just before Orphan Black at 8/9c, but that’s not official. I’m sure by the time they roll out another TV Spot they’ll have that nailed down.

If you need something to take the edge off, we announced yesterday that BBC America is doing monthly tributes entitled, Doctor Who: The Doctors Revisited, to each of the doctors starting with the first, William Hartnell. If you haven’t seen the old Doctor Who episodes this would be a good way to get a taste without strapping yourself to a couch to absorb several years of episodes. This special airs January 27th at 9/8c.

Here’s the TV spot in case you missed it.

TV Spot: Doctor Who: The Doctors Revisited – William Hartnell

Doctor Who: The Doctors Revisited airs January 27 at 9/8c and the new Season of Doctor Who airs March 30th. Both air on BBC America.

Jess Orso
Written by Jess Orso

Jess is the Managing Editor and Southern Correspondent for SciFiMafia.com