
Featurette Highlights the Very Excellent Music of the Very Excellent STAR TREK INTO DARKNESS

Star Trek ID 207 Enterprise smoking wide

I have seen it, and I hereby pronounce it “awesome”. I was really really looking forward to Star Trek Into Darkness, especially since Star Trek is one of my top ten movies, and it did not disappoint. Go see it ABSOLUTELY as soon as possible, for three reasons: one, it is really fun to see it with a crowd full of fans, which is who will primarily be attending during the first few days; two, you may get inadvertently spoiled at ANY MINUTE now that it’s out; and three, like I said, it’s awesome.

One of the most important components of the movie is the soundtrack, and wow does that Michael Giacchino score come shining through, just as it did in the first Star Trek movie. Here’s a featurette on the music; you’ll hear a few themes that harken back to that first movie, along with some of the great new themes.

Featurette: Star Trek Into Darkness – Music by Michael Giacchino

Oh, how it takes me right back. Get the soundtrack, and see the movie. Go on.

Star Trek Into Darkness, starring Chris PineZachary QuintoBenedict CumberbatchKarl UrbanZoe SaldanaJohn ChoSimon PeggAnton YelchinBruce Greenwoodand Alice Eve,  is in theaters NOW!

Erin Willard
Written by Erin Willard

Erin is the Editor In Chief and West Coast Correspondent for SciFiMafia.com