
Featurette, Clip and TV Spot Keep Us Warm for the DOCTOR WHO Cold War to Come

Doctor Who 713 Cold War poster wide

We’ve had our first Doctor Who “regular” Clara episode now, meaning a Clara episode that wasn’t a first appearance or a special or a midseason premiere; what did you think? Are we thinking that little “not a ghost” bit was meant as a reminder to us? Nah, we knew that already. Jenna-Louise Coleman put her personal stamp on her character back when she was hiding from the Daleks, and happily, it’s a terrific character, a fine foil for the Doctor.

Today we have a featurette wherein Ms. Coleman and others discuss Clara’s first big trip on the TARDIS. We also have the clip from last week’s episode that reveals the Doctor witnessing the important moments in Clara’s life so far, which may or may not have reverberations in episodes to come, and a TV spot for this week’s new episode:

Featurette: Doctor Who – Inside Look: “A Classic WHO Moment”

Clip: Doctor Who – Origins of Clara “The Rings of Akhaten”

TV Spot: Doctor Who – Cold War

Doctor Who, starring Matt Smith and Jenna-Louise Coleman, airs Saturdays at 8/7c on BBC America.

Erin Willard
Written by Erin Willard

Erin is the Editor In Chief and West Coast Correspondent for SciFiMafia.com