
Exclusive Interview: Haven Guest Star Adam “Edge” Copeland

As we reported back in May, WWE superstar Edge, aka Adam Copeland, is guest starring on Haven, and his character’s 4-episode arc begins tonight, as does the arc for Jason Priestley’s character. Adam recently retired from the WWE due to a neck injury, and just completed shooting his work on Haven. He now plans to take it easy for a while.

Adam took some time this week to participate in a Q&A with the media, which included some time with SciFi Mafia. He was a terrific guy to talk with, and had a lot of interesting things to say about his work with the WWE and his venture into acting. He has done some acting in the past but gave the impression that he’s really getting more involved in the craft now, although he was quick to point out that he does not consider himself a “thespian”.

In our discussion he talked about his role on Haven, how it differs from Sanctuary, and what might be in store for his character.

SciFi Mafia: Hi Adam. Thanks so much for being on the call.

Adam Copeland: Hi thanks. Thanks for having me.

SciFi Mafia: Loved seeing you on Sanctuary at the end of this season. Are you going to be back next season, do you know?

Adam Copeland: I have no idea. That was another one of those kind of happy accidents that I got asked to do through the WWE, and I guess obviously with the tie-in of SmackDown and Syfy. And it was a fun experience, but you know – I have no idea going forward what I’m going to be doing besides the next month relaxing.

SciFi Mafia: Yes, nice. So obviously the role you have on Haven‘s a lot bigger than what you had in Sanctuary. But what were some of the other differences between the two sets?

Adam Copeland: They were both very Canadian sets, which made getting acclimated, for me, a lot easier, being a Canuck.

The differences, well one’s shot on the West Coast and one’s shot on the East coast. But what I found with Sanctuary is – my scenes weren’t, but it’s so Green Screen oriented, that series.

Whereas with Haven, honestly the scenery and the locations are one of the stars of the series to me, just because of the way it’s shot and I mean it’s just gorgeous out there.

And obviously the series itself lends itself to be able to be outdoors, which was another one of the things that I really loved about that is I got to be outdoors kind of hiking through forests all day, which was pretty much what I’d be doing at home anyway. So…

SciFi Mafia: Nice!

Adam Copeland: I wouldn’t have a crossbow, like I do on the TV series, but so that it made it good to just be out.

SciFi Mafia: Nice, yes that sounds great!

Adam Copeland: Yes!

SciFi Mafia: Will we find out your entire story in the first episode, just because that’s this week, or is it going to roll out over all four episodes, or do you have a feel for that?

Adam Copeland: Yes, it kind of rolls out; you learn a little bit more about the guy as it goes along. It starts off where you don’t learn a whole lot about the guy. He’s a little bit of a mysterious figure.

And then a little bit more plays out as you go along and you see different sides, which was good for me because that way I could kind of learn along with it, and where to try and take this guy. So it plays out and I think it’ll be interesting. I think I have some interaction with all the main characters. I ended up with Lucas/Nathan a lot, kind of playing his cleanup guy.

And then there’s this budding, begrudging rivalry with Duke, I think to see who the alpha male is kind of thing. But then along the way you realize that they might like each other because they’re so much alike, but that might also be why they hate each other. So I think that could go some interesting directions.

SciFi Mafia: Well it sounds so great. I’m really looking forward to seeing it. Thanks so much for being on the call.

Adam Copeland: Thank you.

Thanks again to Adam Copeland for taking the time to talk with us; we’re all really looking forward to following his character on Haven and his acting career in the future. Hopefully we’ll see him back on Haven next season. Come on, Syfy, give us another Haven season!

Haven airs Friday nights at 10/9c on Syfy.

Erin Willard
Written by Erin Willard

Erin is the Editor In Chief and West Coast Correspondent for SciFiMafia.com