
Everything You Wanted to Know About SNOWPIERCER Including Trailers, Pictures and More

snowpiercer wide

Bong Joon-Ho’s (Mother, The Host) latest film is a Korean and American sci-fi thriller based on the French graphic novel Le Transperceneige by Jacques Lob and Jean-Marc Rochette entitled Snowpiercer. The Snowpiercer is a futuristic train that runs on perpetual motion traveling around the globe carrying the only living inhabitants of our Earth now wrecked by an ice age. The movie follows a revolution from a class system that has formed on the train.

The movie is set to be released in South Korea August 1st but there still isn’t a release date set for the US. After you see all the media below maybe you can join me in a revolution of sorts to get the Weinstein Company (Twitter) to go ahead and get that nailed down.

Trailer: Snowpiercer – International #1

Trailer: Snowpiercer – International #2

snowpiercer 1snowpiercer character 1snowpiercer character 2snowpiercer character 3snowpiercer character 4snowpiercer character 5snowpiercer character 6snowpiercer character 7snowpiercer character 7snowpiercer 2snowpiercer 3snowpiercer 4snowpiercer 5snowpiercer 6snowpiercer 7snowpiercer 8snowpiercer 9snowpiercer 10snowpiercer 11snowpiercer 12snowpiercer 13snowpiercer 14snowpiercer 15snowpiercer 16snowpiercer 17snowpiercer 18snowpiercer 19snowpiercer 20snowpiercer 21snowpiercer 22snowpiercer 23snowpiercer 17

And here we have several featurettes for you which are mostly in English, but have some chunks of Korean. You’ll get the gist of them without needing a translator, I’m sure. Looking at set design, costumes, make-up and anything behind the scenes is really a universal language and doesn’t necessarily need translation to still be awesome.

Featurette: Snowpiercer – Behind the Scenes

Featurette: Snowpiercer – Mason

Featurette: Snowpiercer – Curtis, Gilliam, Edgar, Tanya, and Andrew

Featurette: Snowpiercer – Special Note From the Cast

Featurette: Snowpiercer – Namgoong Minsu and Yona

And finally, because we love you, a special animation on the events prior to the movie characters boarding the train.

Featurette: Snowpiercer – International Special Animation

I want to see this movie so much!

We’ll keep you posted on the release date for Snowpiercer starring Chris Evans, Song Kang-ho, Jamie Bell, Alison Pill, John Hurt, Tilda Swinton, Octavia Spencer, and Ed Harris.

Jess Orso
Written by Jess Orso

Jess is the Managing Editor and Southern Correspondent for SciFiMafia.com