
Entire HARRY POTTER Franchise To Get A 3D Theatrical Re-Release?

Producer of the Harry Potter franchise David Heyman has revealed that all the movies in the wizard franchise could get a theatrical 3D re-release. Heyman claims that it is “just a matter of time” before Warner Bros. converts all of the fantasy films to the 3D format.

Heyman said regarding Potter in 3D,

“Those discussions haven’t yet happened, but I’m sure it’s just a matter of time, You know what? I actually shouldn’t say that. Who knows? It would be great. You can never tell. I hope so.”

The two-part finale, Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows will be shown in 3D, and Heyman admitted that the conversion process hasn’t started yet.

“Frankly, we are still in the process of discussing methodology, We have quite a lot of time to work and hone and hopefully perfect each and every sequence. We are not on a compressed schedule. This is something that was built in very early on, and we think we will achieve the very best quality we can.”

Heyman insisted that the 3D decision “emerged organically” he also confessed that the popularity of recent releases in 3D influenced the choice.

“Absolutely the success of Up and Avatar made the economics make sense, and also the quality of some of the work Warner was doing with post 3D made it feel like something that would augment the film rather than diminish it”.

[Source] MTV

Jason Moore
Written by Jason Moore

is a member of the Academy of Science Fiction, Fantasy and Horror Films and the Founder/Editor In Chief of SciFi Mafia®