
Encore Channel Will Make Superheroes Work on Labor Day

How did it get to be August 10th already? Labor Day is practically just around the corner, and we can help with your holiday planning. Stay inside! Because Encore has plans to keep you company for the entire 24 hours. That’s right, even if you have to work, or sleep, or – eek! – go outside at some point, you will still have the opportunity to include their Superheroes Labor Day Marathon in your holiday festivities.

Here’s the lineup:

SUPERHEROES LABOR DAY MARATHON – Monday, Sept. 3 from 12am to 12am
See all four original (Christopher Reeve) Superman films, along with a legion of fellow superheroes!

12:00 am – Flash Gordon
2:00 am – The Shadow
3:50 am – Spawn
5:35 am – Darkman
7:20 am – Hulk
9:45 am – The Green Hornet
11:45 am – Superman
2:10 pm – Superman II
4:20 pm – Superman III
6:30 pm – Superman IV: The Quest for Peace
8:00 pm – The Green Hornet
10:00pm – Batman Returns

So (once you confirm the schedule with your provider) there you go. Plans managed. Enjoy!

Erin Willard
Written by Erin Willard

Erin is the Editor In Chief and West Coast Correspondent for SciFiMafia.com