
Edward Norton Says No HULK Sequel, But What About THE AVENGERS?

Incredible Hulk star Edward Norton reportedly voiced his dissatisfaction with the final cut of Marvel’s 2008 Hulk movie upon its release. In an interview with Coming Soon, Norton said that he is still in communication with Marvel “to some degree” through his agents.

Norton said,

“The main guy I had a beef with there left anyways, as always happens, As David Mamet said, ‘Just wait ’em out cause they’ll be gone, and you’ll still be there.'”

Norton told MTV that he has no plans to appear in a sequel to Hulk, nor will he be involved in Marvel’s Thor or The First Avenger: Captain America. He did however, hint that he might return to the role of Bruce Banner/The Hulk for the planned Avengers movie.

Norton said,

“There’s always been an agenda I think to unspool a lot of the Marvel Universe and then come back… I think they’ve got a lot of new stuff that they’re rolling out and then I think at some point they’re going to figure out how they want to get around to Avengers.

[Source] comingsoon | MTV

Jason Moore
Written by Jason Moore

is a member of the Academy of Science Fiction, Fantasy and Horror Films and the Founder/Editor In Chief of SciFi Mafia®