
Don’t Miss Tonight’s Season Finale of ALMOST HUMAN, Get a Sneak Peek at Clips

Almost Human cast promo wide

Tonight is the season finale for Almost Human, and we are really really hoping it isn’t the series finale. Lots of things go into a network’s decision to renew or not, and season pickups aren’t usually announced until late April, so it certainly wouldn’t hurt to have a lot of social media chatter and live viewing. Let’s get on that, Almost Human fans.

To prepare us for the finale, we have three clips to check out. Fox has been good about not putting anything very spoilery in the clips, so you can watch them without worrying that you’ll know too much ahead of time. Here’s the quick synopsis, followed by the clips:

Kennex and Dorian investigate a string of murders by a copycat of a serial killer whom Kennex’s father put in jail.

Clip: Almost Human – 113 Straw Man: The Straw Man Strikes Again

Clip: Almost Human – 113 Straw Man: Dorian Receives His Performance Evaluation

Clip: Almost Human – 113 Straw Man: Kennex Remembers His Least Favorite Dorian Moments

Come on, Fox, give us the good word! We need to know about The Wall! This beautifully-produced, accessible series with tangible cast chemistry, satisfying individual storylines and a compelling mythology deserves another season. We’re asking nicely, for now…

Almost Human, starring Karl UrbanMichael EalyLili Taylor, Michael IrbyMinka Kelly, and Mackenzie Crook airs its Season 1 finale tonight, March 3 at 8/7c on Fox.

Erin Willard
Written by Erin Willard

Erin is the Editor In Chief and West Coast Correspondent for SciFiMafia.com