
DOCTOR WHO: See Advanced Screening Of Premiere At WonderCon And C2E2

BBC America is holding special advance screenings of the season opener of “Doctor Who”, starring Matt Smith and Karen Gillan, at WonderCon in San Francisco on April 3rd and at C2E2 in Chicago on April 16th.

Check out the scheduling for WonderCon and C2E2 for details.

The rest of us will be watching the season premiere on Saturday, April 17th at 9/8 C on BBC America.

Sit down early before the season premiere, to watch a BBC America special, “Doctor Who: The Ultimate Guide” with an all”-access look inside the universe of the hit drama series”. This special airs Saturday, April 17th at 8/7 C.

[Source] BBC America

Lillian 'zenbitch' Standefer
Written by Lillian 'zenbitch' Standefer

is Senior Managing Editor for SciFi Mafia.com, skips along between the lines of sci-fi, fantasy, and reality, and is living proof that geek girls really DO exist!