
DOCTOR WHO: Matt Smith Farewell Salute, Christmas Special Pics, Paul McGann Featurette

Doctor Who Xmas 2013 poster horizontal black wide

Yes, we did just tell you a bit about the Doctor Who Christmas special yesterday, but yes, we do have more for you the very next day. Today we have screenshots! Not very many, sorry, but one includes another intriguing look at the Doctor holding a Cyberman head. Behold and squee:

Doctor Who Xmas 2013 Doctor sonicPicture shows Matt Smith as the Eleventh Doctor and JENNA COLEMAN as Clara.Picture shows JENNA COLEMAN as Clara.Picture shows MATT SMITH as the Eleventh Doctor.

We also have news of an hourlong salute to Matt Smith that will precede the Christmas special, so get your Christmas nap finished one hour earlier and grab a box of tissues, because Doctor Who: Farewell to Matt Smith will be narrated by River Song herself, Alex Kingston:

Bid the eleventh Doctor, Matt Smith, a fond farewell in this hour long retrospective documentary special about Doctor Who Series five, six and seven – “the Matt Smith Years.” This compelling documentary, narrated by Alex Kingston (Doctor Who’s River Song), features highlights from Smith’s run with interview footage from the man himself, his cast-mates, writers, producers, guest stars and celebrity Whovians. Doctor Who: Farewell to Matt Smith premieres Wednesday, December 25, 8:00pm ET on BBC AMERICA.

I know, I know, “don’t cry because it’s over, smile because it happened.” And I’m very much looking forward to seeing what Peter Capaldi does with the role. But I’m definitely going to make sure I have my box of tissues handy.

On a happier note, to help remind us that the Doctors are not always gone forever once they regenerate, here’s a featurette with Eighth Doctor Paul McGann, talking about the wonderful minisode “The Night of the Doctor”:

Featurette: Doctor Who – 50th Anniversary: The Surprise – Paul McGann

The Doctor Who Christmas special, Doctor Who: The Time of the Doctor, starring Matt Smith and Jenna Coleman, premieres Wednesday, December 25 at 9/8c on BBC America.

Doctor Who: Farewell to Matt Smith premieres Wednesday, December 25 at 8/7c on BBC America.

Erin Willard
Written by Erin Willard

Erin is the Editor In Chief and West Coast Correspondent for SciFiMafia.com