
Do Not Miss Tonight’s Best-Yet DA VINCI’S DEMONS, Prepare With Clips and a Character Map

Da Vincis Demons 105 Leo wide

If you are a fan of Tom Riley as Leonardo da Vinci – and you should be – plan your evening around watching tonight’s new episode of Da Vinci’s Demons; his performance is breathtakingly good. The whole episode is excellent but Riley’s work will haunt you. And speaking of “haunting”, yes, the is-it-supernatural-or-is-it-something-else thread does continue tonight.

Here to help you prepare are two clips, plus a really great chart of who everyone is and how they’re related to each other. Although you don’t need to have it memorized or even learned at all, if you check it out now you’ll find that it enhances your viewing experience tonight.


Clip: Da Vinci’s Demons – Episode 105: Barghello Brawl

Clip: Da Vinci’s Demons – Episode 105: The Plea

Clip: Da Vinci’s Demons – Episode 105: The Accused

Eye candy, fights, invention imagining, political intrigue, it’s all here, plus an excellent serving of Da Vinci as somewhat mad, which is exquisite. Don’t miss it.

Da Vinci’s Demons, starring Tom RileyLaura HaddockLara PulverGreg ChillinElliot Cowan, and Blake Ritson, airs Fridays at 9/8c on Starz.

Erin Willard
Written by Erin Willard

Erin is the Editor In Chief and West Coast Correspondent for SciFiMafia.com