
Dig In to BEING HUMAN Season 4 With Recap Featurette, TV Spot, and Pics

Being Human s4 Aidan wide

Sure, Being Human doesn’t return to Syfy with Season 4 until January, but you’re hungry for some right now, am i right? Here’s a little something for you to feast on before 2014. Several little somethings, actually.

We have a look at our favorite supernatural roommates in a couple of Season 4 screenshots, including a rather disturbing one of Sally, a new TV spot, and an excellent recap featurette. If you’re new to Syfy‘s Being Human – and yes, it’s quite different in every way from the original British version – the recap will get you right where you need to be.

Being Human s4 Aidan (Witwer)Being Human s4 Aidan (Witwer) and Sally (Rath)Being Human s4 Josh (Huntington) and Nora (Hager)Being Human s4 Nora (Hager)Being Human s4 Sally (Rath)

TV Spot: Being Human – Season 4 January 13, 2014

Featurette: Being Human – Recap of Seasons 1-3

Make sure to check out the pictures from SciFi Mafia‘s visit to the set, if you haven’t seen them. I would live in the newly-redecorated brownstone in a heartbeat. But maybe without all the cameras.

Being Human, starring Sam Witwer, Sam Huntington, Meaghan Rath, and Kristen Hager, returns for Season 4 on Monday, January 13, 2014 on Syfy.

Erin Willard
Written by Erin Willard

Erin is the Editor In Chief and West Coast Correspondent for SciFiMafia.com