
Did Warner Bros. Finally Decide On Their Green Lantern?

Hitfix.com is reporting that they have confirmed that Bradley Cooper bradley-cooper-lantern-header(Wedding Crashers, Alias, the upcoming The Hangover) is the front runner to play the lead role in the Martin Campbell directed Green Lantern movie. But his biggest role yet is the one he may be playing for Warner Bros. later this summer. I’ve just spent the last hour or so on the phones, tracking down a rumor I heard, and HitFix can exclusively report that Bradley Cooper is now one of the guys most likely to don the suit and slip on the power ring as The Green Lantern for director Martin Campbell.

Let’s be clear: they have not hired him yet. But the process is far enough along that this is more than just a meeting or some spot on a wish list. Keep in mind that Campbell likes to see a lot of people when he’s casting… and even when he’s screen-testing, he seems willing to explore as many options as possible… but with the film set to shoot later this summer, they’ve got to start making their choices, and now’s the time to put people in front of the camera and see who really works in the suit.

I’m not a betting man, but if I were, I would bet that Cooper’s going to be the guy, and I’m going to also bet that the next time someone has that conversation about casting a movie, and they’re running down a list of names, no one is going to have to ask “Who the hell is Bradley Cooper?” because they’ll know.

Who would you like to see play the Green Lantern?

Written by SciFiMafia

SciFi Mafia® Staff