
Deadpool Writers Talk About Working With Ryan Reynolds And Say The Movie Is Going To Kick Ass

Zombieland writers Paul Wernick and Rhett Reese, who are penning the script to ring the Merc with a Mouth (Deadpool) to life on the big screen recently sat down for an interview. While they weren’t signed on too long ago, they are already outlining the film and have been developing it on a near-daily basis with Ryan Reynolds.

Wernick said,

“We just absolutely adore the character and the comic, And tonally, it’s right up our alley. He’s the unstable, smart-ass, self deprecating guy — and they say write what you know, so [we’re perfect for it].”

Reese added,

“What’s great about Ryan is that he’s been the keeper of the Deadpool flame for many years, he’s loved the character since forever; he lives it and breathes it, We’re a little newer to Deadpool, although we’ve done a bit of catching up. One of the nice things about working with Ryan is that he tonally gets it — if we ever do something that is off the Deadpool path, or if it doesn’t feel like Deadpool, he catches it.”

Wernick said,

“The movie is going to kick ass, It’s going to be great.”

Reese concluded,

“It’s not going to be your father’s superhero movie, or even your older brother’s superhero movie, It’s definitely going to be irreverent and fun, and we owe a lot to that character, because it’s a wonderful character.”

Jason Moore
Written by Jason Moore

is a member of the Academy of Science Fiction, Fantasy and Horror Films and the Founder/Editor In Chief of SciFi Mafia®