DCC 2011: Stan Lee Reveals His Cameo In The Amazing Spider-Man; Drops Spoilers About Major Battle

Comic Book legend Stan Lee is known for his cameos in the big-screen adaptations of Marvel properties. At this past weekend’s Dallas Comic Con, Lee was asked cameo was his favorite to-date. Stan said that it’s in the forthcoming, Marc Webb directed Spider-Man reboot, The Amazing Spider-man:

“I guarantee that the Spider-man [cameo] is the funniest one you will ever see.”

For a moment, Lee spoke about why he’s not in director Matthew Vaughn‘s forthcoming X-Men film, X-Men: First Class but, he can’t contain his excitement about his cameo in The Amazing Spider-Man:

“Wait till you see it! It’s so funny. None of these are my idea. They tell me what to do. So there you go. This one is genius! Should I tell it?”

Lee jokingly told the DCC crowd not to tell anyone about what he’s said, for fear that he won’t be given any more cameos, and then continues:

“There’s a big battle going on with Spider-man and the Lizard in a library. [pauses for effect] I’m the librarian! [crowd laughs]

And I’m stamping books and I have ear phones on and I’m listening to music. So while I’m stamping the books this life and death battle is going on behind me. But I don’t know it, I don’t hear them! So that’s what it is and it looks so funny and I look so dumb!”

But wait, were you still wondering why Stan Lee doesn’t have a cameo in X-Men: First Class? Lee explained:

“For some reason they didn’t call me or maybe it was because they shot most of it out of the country and I didn’t want to travel that far… point is I’m not in it. But I figured out the reason why they didn’t try to get me. They are so shrewd. They figure that without me they will sell more tickets and I’ll tell you why.

People will go to the movie and when they come out, they will say ‘Wait a minute, we didn’t see Stan’s cameo. We must have missed it. We’ll buy another ticket and go back!’ They’re going to sell twice as many tickets!”

Here’s a fan vid of this moment at Stan Lee’s Q&A session at Dallas Comic Con:


Watch for Stan Lee’s cameo in The Amazing Spider-Man, when it hits theaters on July 3rd, 2012.

Keep it here on SciFi Mafia, there’s more to come from Dallas Comic Con!

[Photo Credit] Dallas Comic Con

Lillian 'zenbitch' Standefer
Written by Lillian 'zenbitch' Standefer

is Senior Managing Editor for SciFi Mafia.com, skips along between the lines of sci-fi, fantasy, and reality, and is living proof that geek girls really DO exist!