
Date Set and New Pics Released for the DOCTOR WHO Christmas Special

What day is it? Why, it’s Christmas Day! And now, officially, the 2011 Doctor Who Christmas special, entitled “The Doctor, The Widow, and The Wardrobe” (or as we call it around here, The Best Christmas Present Ever) has been scheduled for Sunday, December 25 at 9/8c on BBC America.

Here are the latest pics:

[Click on the Gallery to Blow Sh!t Up]

In the new Doctor Who Christmas Special, the Doctor (Matt Smith) finds himself in war-torn England embarking on a magical and mysterious adventure with a young widow and her two children. A stellar guest cast including Claire Skinner (Outnumbered), Bill Bailey ( Black Books), Arabella Weir (Skins, The Fast Show) and Alexander Armstrong (Armstrong & Miller), join Matt Smith in the emotional festive special, packed full of Christmas thrills and chills.

Doctor Who: The Doctor, The Widow, and The Wardrobe will air December 25 at 9/8c on BBC America.

Erin Willard
Written by Erin Willard

Erin is the Editor In Chief and West Coast Correspondent for SciFiMafia.com