
Damn Good News: New TWIN PEAKS Limited Series to Air on Showtime

Twin Peaks wide
Oh those scamps! David Lynch and Mark Frost , co-creators of the adored 1980’s series Twin Peaks, got the internet all in a flurry last Friday afternoon–well, as much as the internet can be flurried on a Friday afternoon–when they each posted mysterious tweets in the form of two quotes from that legendary series:

OH OH I GET IT! Twin tweets! Well, except for the period/exclamation point and hard return variants. Still, it was another clue!

Speculation ran wild, but we didn’t have to wait too long, because today they did it again:

Showtime confirmed:

and Showtime PR had a teeny bit more info:

YAY!!! And it gets better: Each of the nine episodes will be co-written by Lynch and Frost, and directed by Lynch.

Deadline spoke with Mark Frost today about the project, and here are the things you’re really going to want to know:

DEADLINE: The original series ended with a cliffhanger. Will we find out what happened to Agent Cooper in the woods?
FROST: One of the things we always did when talking about the series is, we didn’t tell people what to think about it or say that there was one definite way to interpret anything. We always felt it was best to let the story speak for itself and also let the intelligence of the viewer contribute to what they thought was going on. So I never like to answer questions too specifically, David is sort of the same way. Having said that, I think there will be a lot of things that people have wanted to know over the years that if they pay close attention, they are going to be satisfied.

DEADLINE: Will the limited series revisit the Laura Palmer murder or that case is closed?
FROST: I think you can safely say that the mystery in Twin Peaks as we started to explore more is very large, there are many aspects to it and the hope is that people will find things that they are interested in in all sorts of things related to the larger mystery. And that will include all the storylines we’ve dealt with up until now.

DEADLINE: Will there be a crime, a new case at the center of the series?
FROST: There will be a very strong central storyline.

Ahhhh. These oblique answers make me so happy. COME ON, 2016!

We will, as you must know, absolutely keep you posted.

The Twin Peaks nine-episode limited series will air in 2016 on Showtime.

Erin Willard
Written by Erin Willard

Erin is the Editor In Chief and West Coast Correspondent for SciFiMafia.com