
Comic Sneak Peek: Pushing Daisies

Not long after ABC broke my heart and announced that the whimsically wonderful Pushing Daisies was getting the ax (no pun intended…okay, maybe a little pun intended) creator Bryan Fuller announced his intent to continue the story of Ned and Chuck in the comic book medium.

That was back in 2009 and after a few false starts Fuller said that he hoped the first issue would be out in early 2011. Early 2011 has come and gone, and as we creep ever closer to the hectic summer 2011 there is still no word when we’ll get a first issue; but Fuller tweeted this image of the first official page of the 12 issue arc, where our heroes have to deal with a flash flood that causes the dead to wash away from their graves in a nearby cemetery. No details on who the artist is, but it’s a lot grittier and grimmer than the bright and colorful series we’re used to.

Click the image to blow sh!t up!

[Source] CBR

Brandon Johnston
Written by Brandon Johnston

Brandon is a Reporter, Critic, Tornado Alley Correspondent, Technomancer, and Book Department Editor for SciFi Mafia®. When he's not writing for SciFi Mafia®, he's busy being a dad, a novelist, and a man with more hobbies and interests than is healthy for any one person to have.