
Clips Whet Your Appetite for Tonight’s New DA VINCI’S DEMONS

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Last week’s episode of Da Vinci’s Demons was excellent, and this week’s is even better. Intrigue, romance, inventions, mythology, and more intrigue, plus some great acting, gorgeous costumes, beautiful sets, and a bit more intrigue.

Becchi is arrested, and accused of being a spy for Rome. The armies of Rome and Florence face off, and Leonardo reveals his latest weapon.

Clip: Da Vinci’s Demons – Episode 104: “Unimaginably Stupid”

Clip: Da Vinci’s Demons – Episode 104: “The Biggest Canon”

Don’t miss it!

Da Vinci’s Demons, starring Tom RileyLaura HaddockLara PulverGreg ChillinElliot Cowan, and Blake Ritson, airs Fridays at 9/8c on Starz.

Erin Willard
Written by Erin Willard

Erin is the Editor In Chief and West Coast Correspondent for SciFiMafia.com