
Clips Hint at Tonight’s Major Episode of DA VINCI’S DEMONS, Plus Gorgeous Featurettes

Da Vincis Demons 107 wide

Yes, the most recent episode of Da Vinci’s Demons with Vlad the Impaler was quite creepy and had elements that were historically accurate, but for pure plot development, tonight is a major episode. Prepare yourself with these sneak peeks after you check out these absolutely gorgeous featurettes about the absolutely gorgeous and outrageous costumes and sets:

Featurette: Da Vinci’s Demons – Season 1: Dressing Da Vinci

Featurette: Da Vinci’s Demons – Season 1: Constructing Da Vinci

Clip: Da Vinci’s Demons – Episode 107: Revenge

Clip: Da Vinci’s Demons – Episode 107: Secrets

Just two more episodes left, so soak up this stunning show while you can; Season Two won’t be here until 2014.

Da Vinci’s Demons, starring Tom RileyLaura HaddockLara PulverGreg ChillinElliot Cowan, and Blake Ritson, rebroadcasts episodes 104-106 tonight at 9/8c and returns with new episodes beginning Friday, May 31 at 9/8c on Starz.

Erin Willard
Written by Erin Willard

Erin is the Editor In Chief and West Coast Correspondent for SciFiMafia.com